What We Believe

 Our Mission Statement:

The Mission of the Bapticostal Movement is to lead,guide and direct people to the lord Jesus Christ, Through worship,prayer and community and to reach the lost and unchurched people on a local and global scale. Our mission is to also help guide established christians and new christians in the word of God through a biblical,anointed and balanced approach to the word without straying away from the truth of the Bible and lead christian families in establishing healthy relationships.Our final mission is to help those in the world cannot make it without the support of the church through outreach.

What We Believe

God The Father: 

We believe that God is the ultimate authority and is the creator of the world and all living things.

Genesis 1:1 " In the Beginning God Created The Heavens and The Earth."

 We Believe that God Exsists in Three Person's: God The Father , God The Son (Jesus Christ ) And God The Holy Spirit.

God The Son :

We believe that Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby and lived a sinless life, was crucified by sinful men and took on the sins of the world and died because of his love for us , and on the third day rose again from the dead and is coming back again for his church.

Matthew 2: 1, Matthew 27:31, Matthew 28:6, Matthew 28:18-20

God The Holy Spirit:

We Believe that god Exsist's in a spirit form that is able to cleanse,purify,deliver and move in a manner only God can do.

Acts: 2 :1-18

Water Baptism:

We Believe in Water Baptism By Submersion.

Matthew 3: 1-17


We believe in the Element of Communion as a tribute for Gods Sacrifice for us .

Matthew 26 :26-29

Marriage and The Church:

Though we believe in the Word of God  and believe marriage should only be "One Man and One Women." We allow open marriages to those couples ready to commit their selves to one another through holy matrimony no matter their backgrounds or which path they have chosen relationship wise or who they love.  

Genesis 2 :21-25, John 3:16-17

Ordination and Call to Ministry:

We believe that ordination and the work of the ministry are two separate entities. We believe anyone can be a minister and reach people for Jesus Christ. However we believe that Ordination is set aside for those specifically called to that Position by God. 

 1st Timothy 3: 1-16 , 1st Timothy 4: 1-16 ,2nd Timothy 1: 6-14

Global Outreach:

We believe in the great commission:

Matthew 28: 19 & 20

" Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: [20] Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."

(C)2020 Bapticostal Church International
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